Major Subfields of Anthropology - Get Anthropology Solutions Manuals

Anthropology is a branch of social studies and studies the human culture and society and its different aspects. There are four major fields called archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology if we talk about its subfield.  Each of them focuses on a different set of research interests and generally uses various research techniques. Methods from biology, geology to social science and humanities are commonly used for research. Please read this post to know more about each of them in detail.

Branches of anthropology


If you are Among those who love to dig up past facts and reveal the history and past culture, you should become an archeologist. Archaeology is a formal education to become an archeologist and a branch of anthropology. In this domain, you have to systematically uncover the evidence by carbon dating, excavating, and analyzing the fossils. You are a detective who searches ancient life and discovers various artifacts in the form of fragmentary pots and others. This domain is also related to biological anthropology that uses the same methods to excavate and analyze human skeletal remains found in archaeological sites.  If you want to understand ancient civilization and their cultures, opt for an archaeologist as a career.

Biological anthropologists

Those who carry out systematic studies of the non-cultural aspects like fossils of humans or animals are called biological anthropologists. These professionals discover animals like monkeys, dinosaurs, apes, and other primates. Their major interest lies in studying human evolution and learn how our ancestors evolved from time to the present. They are also interested to understand the evolution mechanism and genetic inheritance. The research on how humans vary and adapt to different environmental stresses, like the temperature at high altitudes and extreme weather conditions. They are further involved in three different areas called human biology, primatology, or paleoanthropology.

Cultural anthropologists

The next name in this list comes from a cultural anthropologist who usually researches and focuses on human cultures like marriage patterns and religious practices of an ancient civilization. They also research ancient economic patterns, societal beliefs, etc. They study how a common cultural system organizes and shape the physical world around the community. They are responsible for discovering the cultural aspects of ancient history. How did earlier humans use to stay? What all cultures they followed? What was the ancient economic system? These are few queries on which a Cultural anthropologist works, answered in Textbook solutions manuals for Anthropology. Since history, human civilization has been changed, from isolation to globalization; these professionals point out several changes.

Linguistic anthropologists

Do you know how many languages are there in the world? In India itself, there is more than 1000 accents, including local languages. So, how it happened?  Why an American or British Citizen's language is different from Indian? It all because of linguistic differences. To study this change and difference, linguistic anthropologists are responsible for researching it. Their major focus is on understanding phenomena like the physiology of speech, language structure and its functions, social and cultural influences, and language evolution over time. Anthropology SolutionManuals help you to study more about the same in detail.


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